Thursday, June 9, 2011

Iran's Revolutionary Guard Are Now Openly Talking About The Impact That An Iranian Bomb Would Have

'The Day After Iran's First Nuclear Test Is A Normal Day' -- The Guardian

A bizarre article on a Revolutionary Guard website breaks a taboo by anticipating the impact of an Iranian bomb.

Any mention of an Iranian nuclear weapon is taboo in the Islamic Republic, which insists that its nuclear programme is entirely for peaceful, civil purposes. So it is remarkable, to say the least, that an article has appeared on the Gerdab website, run by Iran's Revolutionary Guards, anticipating the day after Iran's first test of a nuclear warhead. Here is a translation of the text:

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My Comment: If true, this is a major change in public relations from Iran. It is almost as if they are preparing the public (both domestic and international) that Iran will soon have the bomb, and that we should start getting prepared for that day.

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