Monday, June 27, 2011

Is The EU About To Disintegrate?

Photo: Bleak outlook: Financier George Soros says Europe is now on the brink of economic collapse. Daily Mail

Greek Debt Crisis Prompts Fears Of EU Disintegration -- The Guardian

As a Brussels correspondent in the 1990s, Toby Helm reported on the EU at its zenith. Now, as Observer political editor, he returns to a city of uncertainty – over the Greek debt crisis, the future of the euro and the whole political project.

Norbert Schwaiger is a true veteran of EU summits. Now in his early 70s, the amiable German recalls with relish the triumphs and disasters from 34 years of service in Brussels as if they all happened yesterday. He chats about Delors, Kohl, Mitterrand, Chirac, Thatcher and the great rows with the British over money. The epic moments of European construction, from the Single European Act in 1986 to the Maastricht treaty in 1992 and the birth of the euro in 1999, are all fresh in his mind.

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My Comment: Aside from the Chinese who believe that the Euro is still worth saving ..... others are not so optimistic.

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