Friday, June 10, 2011

Is Iran About To Test A Nuclear Bomb?

A view of what is believed to be a uranium-enrichment facility near Qom, Iran. Photograph: Digital Globe/Reuters

Iran To Test First Nuclear Bomb By 2012? -- Pajamas Media

Reports claim that Ayatollah Khamenei has ordered the testing program to proceed immediately.

According to sources in the Revolutionary Guards of Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei has ordered them to proceed immediately with the completion of the Iranian atomic bomb project, including testing and arming of missiles with nuclear payload.

Ayatollah Khamenei’s decision is based on a belief by the Islamic regime’s strategists that both America and Israel lack the courage and the ability to dismantle the Iranian nuclear facilities. The Iranian regime believes that America and Israel fear Iran’s retaliation, and that it has had them frozen in place and confused as to what action to take next. They have concluded that this presents a great opportunity for the Iranian regime to become a nuclear-armed state without any interference from the outside.

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More News On Iran's Nuclear Bomb Program

World Powers Fear Iran's Plan to Expand Nuclear Capability -- Voice of America
World powers concerned over Iran nuclear programme -- AFP
World Powers Voice Concern Over Iran's Nuclear Program -- Radio Free Europe
Iran Informed UN Atomic Watchdog of Enrichment Plan, IRNA Says -- Bloomberg
Iran informs IAEA of changing uranium enrichment sites -- Xinhuanet
Iran to increase uranium enrichment in bunker -- SF Chronicle/Washington Post
Iran to triple production of 20% enriched uranium -- Tehran Times (Iran)
Iran is not in breach of international law -- Richard Dalton, The Guardian

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