Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Leon Panetta Confirmed As U.S. Secretary Of Defense

Leon E. Panetta appears before the Senate Armed Services Committee during confirmation hearings June 9, 2011.

Panetta Confirmed As Defense Secretary -- L.A. Times

In a 100-0 vote, the Senate backs the former CIA director, who will replace Robert M. Gates. The vote comes as President Obama prepares to announce a plan for reducing troops in Afghanistan.

The Senate unanimously confirmed Leon E. Panetta as secretary of Defense on Tuesday, putting the Pentagon in the hands of a former Democratic congressman and budget expert amid growing political discontent over the cost and reach of President Obama's military engagements.

Panetta, who spent two years as director of the Central Intelligence Agency, will replace Robert M. Gates, who is retiring after serving in two consecutive administrations.

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More News On Leon Panetta Being Confirmed As U.S. Secretary Of Defense

Senate confirms Panetta as Pentagon chief -- Yahoo News/Reuters
Senate approves Panetta as Pentagon chief -- Yahoo News/AP
Senate confirms Panetta to head Pentagon -- Yahoo News/AFP
Leon Panetta, CIA director, unanimously confirmed by Senate as defense secretary -- Washington Post
Senate OKs Panetta as Pentagon Chief -- Time/AP
100-to-0 Vote Puts Panetta in Top Post -- New York Times
Senate unanimously approves Panetta as new Defense chief -- the Hill
Leon Panetta confirmed by Senate as new Pentagon chief -- BBC
Senate Confirms Panetta as Defense Secretary -- Wall Street Journal
Leon Panetta clears Senate 100-0 -- Politico
CIA Director Panetta Gets Senate Nod as Next Defense Secretary -- Bloomberg
Senate confirms Panetta as defense chief -- UPI

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