Friday, June 10, 2011

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- June 10, 2011

GPS Stations Can Detect Clandestine Nuclear Tests -- Space War

At the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) meeting this week, American researchers are unveiling a new tool for detecting illegal nuclear explosions: the Earth's global positioning system (GPS).

Even underground nuclear tests leave their mark on the part of the upper atmosphere known as the ionosphere, the researchers discovered, when they examined GPS data recorded the same day as a North Korean nuclear test in 2009. Within minutes on that day, GPS stations in nearby countries registered a change in ionospheric electron density, as a bubble of disturbed particles spread out from the test site and across the planet.

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When will China become a global superpower? -- Thair Shaikh, CNN (Commentary)

China has joined the club with its first aircraft carrier -- Matthew Good, The Guardian (Commentary)

Photos of possible fifth-generation fighter appear on Chinese websites
-- RIA Novosti

F-16 Fighters for Taiwan: It's Time to Send Beijing a Message
-- Defpro

Danish Planes in Libya Running Out of Bombs: Report
-- Defense News

NATO’s Libya 'hope' strategy is bombing
-- Lewis Mackenzie, Globe and Mail

NATO Cuts More Fat -- Ares/Aviation Week

CIA Chief Says North Korea a "Growing" Danger to U.S. -- Global Security Newswire

Russian presidential guards order black leather coats reminiscent of Stalin’s secret police -- Washington Post

Canada to Pull Out of NATO Air Surveillance -- Defense News

Iran expands submarine fleet -- Ynet News

UN report: Iran accelerating development of long-range missiles -- Haaretz

France, Thales SA Agree To Pay 630 Euros In Frigate Corruption Case -- Wall Street Journal

Pakistan sends home American military trainers as mutual mistrust deepens -- The Telegraph

Not a single Australian submarine seaworthy -- The Australian

The UK’s ‘joint strike frigate’ -- DoD Buzz

Military hopes to revive programs axed by Gates -- Sky Talk

Boeing warns Joint STARS upgrades may cost $10-$15 billion -- Flight Global

Panetta: Escalate Shadow Wars, Expand Black Ops -- The Danger Room

Rise in F-35 Acquisition Cost Marginal: Minister -- Defense News

Panetta: $400B Cut Won't Harm U.S. Security -- Defense News

Germany honors US Joint Chiefs of Staff Mullen
-- Yahoo News/AP

77 air force cadets taken to hospital after being struck by lightning
-- Daily Mail

Blue Angels Continue Air Show Season --

After a decade in military prison, innocent man still wants to serve -- McClatchy News

Case narrows against Thomas Drake, ex-NSA manager accused of mishandling classified files -- Washington Post

Napolitano: No "Logic" In Profiling Muslim Men Under The Age Of 35 -- Real Clear Politics

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