Monday, June 27, 2011

MoD Is Bureaucratic, Bloated And Indecisive

MoD Is Bureaucratic, Bloated And Indecisive, Warns Report -- The Telegraph

The “bloated and dysfunctional” Ministry of Defence leaves ministers “in the dark” about key decisions, an official review will say today.

Lord Levene’s defence reform unit will call for a sweeping overhaul of the structure and management of the MoD, saying that military chiefs must be made accountable for their own budgets.

The ranks of senior military officers could also be thinned out, and new, more flexible rules on promotion introduced.

Dr Liam Fox, the Defence Secretary, will publish the DRU’s damning criticism of the MoD today.

Read more ....

Update: Generals, admirals and air chief marshals face sack, Liam Fox warns -- The Telegraph

My Comment: Wow .... a government bureaucracy that is bloated and indecisive .... I am shocked I tell you, shocked!!!!

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