Friday, June 10, 2011

Should The U.S. Fifth Fleet Be Disbanded

Time To Disband The Bahrain-Based U.S. Fifth Fleet -- Toby C. Jones, The Atlantic

The massive American naval base provides legitimacy for the autocratic Bahraini regime, reinforces our problematic reliance on the Gulf, and may be strategically unnecessary.

After months of popular protests against the regime, Bahraini officials are desperate to convince anyone who will listen, and most importantly to their long time allies in Washington, that the Persian Gulf island nation is returning to normal. On Tuesday, Crown Prince Salman bin Hamad al-Khalifa visited the White House, where he offered assurances that the regime is serious about political reform and engaging in a "national dialogue" with the country's beleaguered opposition. Although it has directed muted criticism toward the Bahraini government, the Obama administration has offered repeated reassurances that it intends to stand by the ruling family.

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My Comment: The short answer is no .... the U.S. Fifth Fleet should not be disbanded. Bahrain is not the only (nor main) player in the region, and while Bahrain's unrest is an area of concern, the presence of the U.S. naval base is not the main reason why the autocratic Bahraini regime is in power.

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