Thursday, June 9, 2011

Unrest In Syria -- News Updates June 9, 2011

Thousands Enter Turkey To Escape Syria Unrest -- Al Jazeera

More than 2,500 refugees flee unrest in Jisr al-Shughur and other towns as Turkish officials brace for further arrivals.

More than 2,400 Syrians have fled into neighbouring Turkey to escape the unrest in Jisr al-Shughur and other towns, according to the UN and Turkish officials.

Refugees started entering Turkey on April 29, according to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

But the flow of refugees has increased sharply this week. More than 1,000 people crossed the border in the last 24 hours, the UNHCR said on Thursday.

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More News On The Unrest In Syria

2,400 Syrians flee violence, cross into Turkey -- Yahoo News/AP
Syrians flee into Turkey to evade crackdown -- Yahoo News/Reuters
Flood of Syrian refugees heads for Turkey -- Financial Times
Syrian refugees crossing into Turkey -- CNN
Syrian refugees in Turkey: 'People see the regime is lying. It is falling apart' -- The Guardian
Hundreds in Syria flee to Turkey, fearing army assault -- BBC
Rapidly Increasing Number of Syrians Flee to Turkey -- Voice of America
Syrians stream into Turkey, but officials remain wary of refugees’ intentions -- Globe And Mail
Thousands Flee North Syria Town -- Wall Street Journal
Syrians vow more protests as troops converge -- Yahoo News/AFP
Countdown to carnage: Syria slides towards civil war as Britain and France call for UN action -- The Daily Mail
Syrian army prepares to retaliate for security personnel massacre -- RIA Novosti
Reports of Syrian Defections Signal Further Splits -- Voice of America

International Community Turns Up Pressure on Syria -- Voice of America
Syria crisis: UN resolution submitted by UK and France -- BBC
New Move to Condemn Syria in U.N. -- New York Times

Iran protests U.K. claim of Syria support -- UPI
Iran summons UK diplomat over remarks on Syria -- CNN
In Syria, death of tourism most visible sign of major economic damage -- Washington Post

Has Syria's peaceful uprising turned into an insurrection?
-- Nicholas Blanford, Christian Science Monitor
Turkey's shift on Syria gives West room to get tougher on Assad -- David Schenker, Christian Science Monitor
The Syrian uprising: The balance of power is shifting -- The Economist

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