Monday, June 13, 2011

U.S. Troops Saying Goodbye To Their Palace Digs In Iraq

Bye-Bye Bidets! US Troops Leaving Saddam Palaces -- Stars and Stripes/AP

BAGHDAD (AP) -- Available soon: nine palaces in lakeside complex frequented by visiting kings and dictators, beautiful molded ceilings and light fixtures, many bidets, Saddam Hussein mural and former prison cell. As is, with Tomahawk missile damage. Contact: U.S. Army.

Thus might read a real estate ad for the Victory Base Complex, one of the many properties the U.S. military is vacating as the Dec. 31 deadline for its withdrawal from Iraq approaches. It will leave behind probably some of the most elaborate, some would say tacky, office spaces ever used by American soldiers, sailors or Marines.

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My Comment: More pics of Saddam's palaces and U.S. troops can be found here.

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