Saturday, June 25, 2011

Why Nuclear Armed Submarines Are Still Vital To U.S. National Defense

SSBN-726 Ohio-Class FBM Submarines.

The Submarine That Might Save America -- Forbes

Imagine that the survival of America depended on a handful of fighting machines operated by an elite group of military personnel. If they succeed, the nation is secure. If they fail, it will be utterly destroyed. Sounds like another improbable action-movie plot from Hollywood, doesn’t it? It isn’t. It may very well be the future of U.S. nuclear strategy.

As I wrote last week, the specter of nuclear war will remain the single greatest military threat to America for the foreseeable future. The Obama Administration therefore has embarked on a costly effort to refurbish and replace a nuclear-weapons arsenal that has seen little modernization since the Cold War ended 20 years ago. The president remains committed to reducing and eventually eliminating nuclear weapons, but until there is some assured means of verifying other countries have done the same, the nation is stuck maintaining a potent arsenal to deter attacks.

Read more

My Comment: For all ye mariners out there, a must article to read.

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