Friday, June 24, 2011

World News Briefs -- June 24, 2011 (Evening Edition)

Lawmakers voted 123-295 against a US military action in LIbya. PHOTO: REUTERS/ FILE

U.S. House Libya Vote: Smell Of Victory For Moammar Gadhafi -- ABC News

It had the sound of a victory celebration: Machine guns rat-a-tat-tatting in the air. Crowds of young supporters swathed in Moammar Gadhafi green celebrating, cheering.

"What's the news," I ask one young man with a machine gun slung over his shoulder.

"Gadhafi has won!" he tells me emphatically.

It did not take long for news from the U.S. House of Representatives to make its way here to Green Square in the heart of Tripoli. By a vote of 295-123 the House voted down a measure that would have given President Obama the authority to continue the U.S. military operations in Libya.

Read more ....


Videos: Today's Syria protests. 15 die as Syrians march demanding Assad's ouster. Protests across Syria demand end of Assad's rule. Thousands of Syrians march, defying army's guns. 2 killed as Syrian forces fire on protesters.

Palestinians mull options in asking UN General assembly for recognition.

Army fires on funeral procession in Yemen.

Turkey says 1,500 Syrians fled across its border in one day.

At least 40 Iraqis killed in blasts in Baghdad.

Iraq PM says bloated government must be trimmed.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ally arrested in Iran on corruption charges.

Yemeni President not returning home soon. Yemen: President Saleh 'was injured by palace bomb'.


Cambodia prepares for high profile trial of Khmer Rouge leaders.

Chinese warships cross high seas off Japan island.

Explosions rock three Myanmar cities.

Controlling nuclear risk top India-Pakistan topic.


Libya peace talks stalled over Gadhafi's exit as a condition for talks. Kadhafi 'may abandon' bombed capital, rebels seek arms. Libyan rebels defend NATO after errant strikes.

Sudanese refugees forced back to violent town, according to UN.

'Partner' airstrike hits Somali militants' convoy.

Senegal: Abdoulaye Wade drops poll plans after riots.

West Africa newest market in global drug trade.

General says Mugabe rival is a threat to Zimbabwe.


Greek PM eyes new 110-billion-euro bailout. European banks scrambling to prevent default by Greece. Greece agrees to more austerity cuts. Angry Greeks say new taxes to hurt middle class, again.

Belarus cracks down on growing protests.

Ukraine: Tymoshenko on trial in Kiev for abuse of power.

Merkel: EU leaders agree on Croatian membership.


Federal ATF chief said to resist pressure to step down.

House sends a muddled message on Libya: no support, but funding untouched.

Obama steps into high-stakes debt-limit talks.

Poll: U.S. public now opposes Libya military action. Libya conundrum: Congress to hold two votes on the conflict.

Peru set to surpass Colombia as world's top coca producer.

Central America struggles with drugs.

Chavez's odd silence raises questions in Venezuela.

Lawmaker: Haiti's political disarray threatens rebuilding.


Senators wary of Pakistan’s role in Afghan terror strategy.

Report: Bin Laden courier's phone provides leads.

Al-Qaida operative invested with Chicago brokerage house in 2005.

Pentagon appoints new war crimes prosecutor ahead of 9/11 case.

Senate offers revised rules for suspects of terrorism.


Madoff trustee seeking $19 billion from JPMorgan.

Tax dispute stalls U.S. debt talks.

Oil drops as international reserves are tapped. Oil prices plunge as U.S., Europe tap strategic reserves. Asia moves to tap oil reserves.

Banks discuss new Greek rollover plan.

Microsoft redux? Google’s antitrust case draws parallels.

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