Wednesday, June 8, 2011

World News Briefs -- June 8, 2011

Yemen: Political Talks Open As Saleh Recovers In Riyadh -- BBC

Yemen's ruling party has opened talks with the country's main opposition coalition following the departure of President Ali Abdullah Saleh to Saudi Arabia for medical treatment.

Protesters have called on the acting president, Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi, to form a presidential council to seek a solution to the crisis in country.

Yemen has been rocked by months of protests and deepening violence.

He was severely wounded in an attack on his compound on Friday.

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Yemen's Saleh said stable, Sanaa ceasefire holds.

Syrian town awaits attack as pressure piles on Assad. Syrians flee town as troops approach.

France to pursue Mideast peace conference.

Iran to enrich uranium to 20% at Fordo site. Iran to triple nuke output, use better centrifuges.

Iraq's Chalabi, who sought invasion, now wants U.S. out.

Bernie Ecclestone says Bahrain GP cannot happen.


EU team visits North Korea to assess food aid needs.

North Korea test-fired missile: Reports.

Injustice may spark fresh Kyrgyzstan violence - Amnesty.

China to get new skyscraper every five days for three years.


NATO jets batter Tripoli, Kadhafi defiant. NATO strikes on Tripoli pause after heavy bombing. Libya crisis: Nato meets to review air campaign.

Residents flee Sudan flashpoint state clashes.

11 die in sect attacks in Nigeria's northeast.

South Africa youth leader targets mines in new film.


Obama presses Europe, pledges help for Greek crisis.

Russia and Norway agree deal over oil-rich Barents Sea.

UK outlines fresh anti-extremism tactics.

Germany expecting more E.coli deaths. E. coli: Germany says worst of illness is over.


Pushed by voters, senators to debate U.S. role in Libya.

Obama, Merkel disagree on Libya, economics. But they’re working on it.

429 bodies found so far in 2 north Mexico states.

Chile volcano ash carpets roads, rivers, runways.

Haiti lashed by heavy rains that leave 23 dead.


Al-Qaida's No. 2 issues eulogy for bin Laden.

Strela missiles from Libya in the hands Droukdel.

Jury deliberations to begin in Mumbai terror trial.

Expert report warns of continued nuclear terrorism danger.

Al-Qaeda still world's No.1 threat: Interpol chief.


Bernanke's talk kills stock rally.

OPEC divided as Saudi pushes for oil increase.

Inquiry threat may linger for IMF hopeful Lagarde.

China warns U.S. debt-default idea is "playing with fire".

Web giants promote new IPv6 internet address system.

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