Monday, July 11, 2011

Afghanistan War News Updates -- July 11, 2011

Petraeus Confident as He Leaves Afghanistan -- New York Times

KABUL, Afghanistan — Just days away from the end of his tour as the supreme military commander in Afghanistan, and the end of a 37-year military career, Gen. David H. Petraeus said he was leaving in the belief that his plan to turn around the war and hand over security to the Afghans could be achieved.

“It is very hard, but it is doable,” he said in his last scheduled interview before his departure this month. “A number of different elements have to keep coming together to achieve our objectives. Again, we are talking about an objective that is Afghans able to secure and govern themselves with some continued level of support.”

Read more

More News On Afghanistan

US General: Afghan Fight Continues Outside Cities -- New York Times/AP
New US defense chief Panetta on first Afghan trip -- AFP
New Defense Secretary Panetta Sizes Up Afghanistan -- NPR

3 NATO Service Members Killed in Afghanistan
-- FOX News/AP
Afghan Bodyguard Kills Two From NATO Coalition -- New York Times
Afghan guard kills NATO soldier, civilian -- Washington Post
Taliban kills 4 workers from demining group, frees 27 others -- CNN
Seven deminers beheaded in Afghanistan -- Yahoo News/AFP
Mine sweepers killed in Afghanistan -- UPI
24 Afghan de-miner hostages set free -- Xinhuanet
NATO receives casualties in Afghan peaceful Panjshir province -- Xinhuanet
Attacks on foreign bases in Afghanistan routine but weak: envoy -- Yonhap News

Tensions rise along Afghan-Pakistan border
-- Washington Post
Hundreds of Afghans Protest Against Pakistan Shelling -- New York Times/Reuters
Border strife in Afghanistan shows wider tensions -- MSNBC/AP

Porous and Violent, Afghan-Tajik Border Is a Worry for the U.S. -- New York Times
Highway carries supplies — and hope -- USA Today
Dangers still abound for Canadians in Kabul -- CTV
'No guarantees' Afghan training mission will succeed -- CBC
Cdn army inventories threats as new Afghan training mission kicks into gear -- Winnipeg Free Press/Canadian Press

Former child refugee becomes hero to hundreds of orphans -- CNN
Kandahar’s electrical system in shambles, despite years of foreign aid -- Globe And Mail
Heroin Flees Afghanistan For A Safer Home -- Strategy Page
Costing ‘success’ in Afghanistan and Iraq -- Neil Reynolds, Globe And Mail
Only time will reveal worth of Canada's war in Afghanistan -- Matthew Fisher, Postmedia News

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