Friday, July 1, 2011

Night Vision Contact Lenses May Become The Standard For Night Operations

Seeing in the dark: Navy Seals wear conventional goggles during an operation. A website has said that those involved in the mission to kill Osama Bin Laden wore night vision contact lenses

U.S. Navy Seal Team Who Killed Bin Laden May Have Used Night Vision Contact Lenses -- The Daily Mail

They sound like something Q branch would issue to James Bond ahead of a difficult assignment.

But this gadget was used to fight a very real target - the world's most wanted terrorist.

A website has reported that the team of U.S. Navy Seals used pairs of night vision contact lenses during their mission to kill Osama Bin Laden.

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My Comment: Because this technology's can significantly impact night operations, I suspect that this technology (if it exists) will not be available to the public for a long time.

1 comment:

Sarah Coles said...

I am highly skeptical. Even something as small as glasses would be impressive technology wise, but here is the real question. Why would you shrink it down to Contact Lenses size, when it would be more logical to use glasses. Contacts are notorious for not being so wonderful in dusty or vapor filled environments like what soldiers would be exposed to. Likewise, I am sure that having eye protection is actually desirable, and is included in most tactical gear, so making them night vision capable is far less of a stretch. Also glasses or goggles can be removed very quickly if there is a tech failure, contacts, not so much.