Saturday, July 16, 2011

US Navy Show Future Weapons Of War

Chris Weeks, a program manager with Bluefin Robotics, untethers the company's Hovering Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (HAUV) during a demonstration at the Naval Surface Warfare Center Panama City Thursday. The HAUV scans ship's hulls with high-resolution sonar to detect mines and Improvised Explosive Devices an enemy might try to attach to a docked U.S. Navy ship. TERRY BARNER/The News Herald

Navy Scientists Display Futuristic Tools Of War -- News Herald

PANAMA CITY BEACH — An aquatic robot swam along the side of a ship in a demonstration of new technology at the U.S. Navy’s Naval Surface Warfare Center Panama City on Thursday.

It’s all part of the testing of underwater unmanned vehicles, or underwater robots, that will be incorporated into the Navy’s arsenal to fight enemies of America at sea.
Researchers, scientists and military personnel have gathered to watch the latest gadgets and gizmos tested as part of the Navy’s Office of Naval Research Mine Countermeasures Science and Technology at the warfare center over the past two weeks.

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My Comment: They are catching up on what will be the future for drones in the Navy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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