Monday, July 11, 2011

Were 9/11 Victims Cell Phones Hacked By News Of The World Reporters?

Phone Hacking: 9/11 Victims 'May Have Had Mobiles Tapped By News Of The World Reporters' -- Mirror

DESPERATE Rupert Murdoch yesterday flew to London to try to save his ­crumbling empire.

He arrived in a cowboy-style hat to be hit by claims News of the World reporters hacked the phones of 9/11 victims.

Murdoch held talks with News International chief executive Rebekah Brooks, amid fears nine staff and three cops may face jail.

Read more ....

More News On 9/11 Victims Having Their Cell Phones (Possibly) Hacked

Murdoch's hacking woes grow; 9/11 victims eyed?
-- CBS News
Phone hacking allegedly targeted 9/11 victims -- CBC
9/11 victims 'targeted' by tabloid phone hackers -- Sydney Morning Herald

My Comment:
If these rumors are true ....this British cell phone hacking story will now have an American component to it .... and a revulsion to match what many in Britain are now feeling.

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