Monday, July 11, 2011

Will Al Qaeda be Finished If A Few Key Terror Leaders Are Taken Out?

Clockwise from top left: Ayman al-Zawahiri, Ab Yahya Al-Libi; Anwar Al-Awlaki; Adna G El Shukrijumah. Getty

Take Out These al-Qa'ida Leaders And Terror Group Is Finished, Says Panetta -- The Independent

The United States is seeking to pick off up to 20 top commanders of al-Qa'ida and its affiliates around the world, hoping to cripple the organisation's ability to launch terrorist attacks against US interests.

The decapitation of al-Qa'ida has become a vital priority for President Barack Obama. The killing of Osama bin Laden will be touted as one of his signal foreign policy achievements when he seeks re-election next year. If he could assert that al-Qa'ida itself had been essentially extinguished that would be more potent still.

Read more ....

My Comment: Al Qaeda is a philosophy that is rooted in the more extreme versions of Islam .... it is definitely not the construct of one and/or a few men.Wiping out all the leaders and commanders will (of course) set back Al Qaeda, but it will not destroy Al Qaeda. The focus should be on repudiating the philosophy behind Al Qaeda, once that is done one then claim victory. But to repudiate Al Qaeda, it has to come within the Islamic community .... a possibility that unfortunately will probably not happen for a very long time.

As to Panetta's comment .... Take Out These al-Qa'ida Leaders And Terror Group Is Finished .... sheeessshhhh ... and they said President Bush was a cowboy.

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