Saturday, August 6, 2011

3 Year Anniversary Of The Russian - Georgian War Approaches

Russia, Georgia Remain In Distrustful Deadlock On Anniversary Of 2008 War -- Christian Science Monitor

The US Senate this week called on Russia to stop its 'occupation' of two breakaway enclaves that were once part of Georgia. But both sides appear to be hardening their positions.

The war that erupted between Russia and its little post-Soviet neighbor Georgia three years ago this weekend was unexpected, extremely violent, and brief, much like the sudden summer storms that descend upon the Caucasus Mountains at this time of year.

But instead of refreshing the landscape, the August War has led to an extended period of frozen relations, deepening bitterness, and hardening narratives in both countries. Georgia, which has shifted toward the West since the 2003 Rose Revolution, sees itself as a harbinger of democracy in the post-Soviet sphere. Russia, however, sees it as a renegade state on its flank led by an illegitimate president.

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More News On The Approaching 3 Year Anniversary Of The Russian - Georgian War

Russia-Georgia Relations Remain Frozen Three Years After Shooting War -- Voice of America
Russia-Georgia: hardships and prospects -- Voice of Russia
Medvedev: Our mission was not to capture Tbilisi -- RIA Novosti
S Ossetia remembers Russia’s help -- Voice of Russia
South Ossetia won’t be part of Russia, Medvedev says -- Voice of Russia
Putin suggests South Ossetia could be part of federation -- Irish Times
Is South Ossetia's 'Independence' Under Threat? -- Radio Free Europe
Amnesty warns Georgia over refugee evictions -- Reuters
Uncertain World: Russian lethargy three years after the Russia-Georgia war -- Fyodor Lukyanov, RIA Novosti
Republic of Georgia desperate for reform: Rose Revolution wilts under anti-democratic crackdown. -- Irakli Alasania, Washington Times

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