Tuesday, August 16, 2011

All DARPA Contracts To Be Audited Following Reports Of Nepotism

Photo: Regina Dugan, director of DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. DOD

Pentagon To Audit All DARPA Contracts, Following Nepotism Reports -- Stars and Stripes

WASHINGTON – Responding to some good watchdog journalism into allegations of nepotistic contracting by Regina Dugan, director of the secretive Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the Defense Department’s inspector general is launching an audit of all DARPA contracts awarded in the last two years.

Noah Shachtman, editor of Wired.com’s Danger Room blog who has reported the story since March, has it: “Since Regina Dugan became the director of Darpa, the Pentagon’s top research division has signed millions of dollars’ worth of contracts with her family firm, which in turn owes her at least a quarter-million dollars.”

Read more

Update #1:
Exclusive: Pentagon Probe Will Review Every Darpa Contract -- Danger Room
Update #2: Pentagon’s High Tech Research Agency Under Investigation -- Gizmodo

My Comment: To warrant such an investigation .... this tells me that the auditors and officials responsible for Darpa's oversight are not 'happy' with what they are seeing.

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