Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Bin Laden Raid Film To Debut 3 Weeks Before Next Year's US Presidential Election

(Click on Image to Enlarge)

Obama Campaign To Get Big-Screen Bin Laden Boost? -- USA Today

The most memorable moment of President Obama's tenure so far -- the May raid that killed Osama bin Laden -- is getting the Hollywood treatment from an Oscar-winning director and screenwriter.

And it's going to be released less than a month before Election Day 2012.

Read more ....

More News On The Upcoming Osama Bin Laden Raid Movie

Kathryn Bigelow Goes Political For Next Film -- Indie Wire
Bin Laden Film -- October Surprise -- FOX News
Sony Plots Big Screen October Surprise to Boost Obama’s Reelection -- AWR Hawkins, Big Hollywood
SEAL Team 6 — The Movie? -- IBD Editorial

My Comment: I doubt that one movie will have a profound impact on a Presidential election a few weeks later. The economy will be the main 2012 election issue .... and unless something goes drastically wrong abroad .... bread and butter issues will be what the electorate will decide on.

But .... concerns that the White House/Pentagon are using their position to actively influence how this film is made are legitimate, and I can only hope that concerns from GOP Rep. Peter King (R., N.Y.) are not justified.


giunda said...

all comment is talk that is election strategy of obama!
well come angry birds for pc

Anonymous said...

Like Obama or not, the Obama kill was his work, for which, see New Yorker article on how involved he was in it.
King, nice guy, but usually over the top in his "probes."
I am convinced Obama doing nothing that is wrong in this, and yes, if you got it, flaunt it and it is election time and so why not?