Tuesday, August 23, 2011

British Troops To Be Sent To Libya If It Descends Into Chaos

Photo: Proud: David Cameron said Britain could be happy with the role Armed Forces had played in Libya, but a Number 10 spokesman would not deny ground troops could be sent there.

British Troops May Act As Peacekeepers If Libya Descends Into Chaos -- Daily Mail

Hundreds of British soldiers could be sent to Libya to serve as peacekeepers if the country descends into chaos, Downing Street indicated last night.

Number 10 repeatedly refused to rule out deploying ground troops to the war zone to prevent anarchy after Colonel Gaddafi is toppled.

A spokesman insisted a deployment remained ‘unlikely’ at this stage – but the development will fuel fears of ‘mission creep’ and that Britain will slowly be sucked into a long campaign.

Two hundred troops are on standby to fly to the North African state at 24 hours’ notice if needed.

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My Comment: 200 British troops to help stabilize a country the size of Libya .... c'mon .... the Brits are dreaming.

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