Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Changes In U.S. Military Retirement Being Eyed

Radical Overhaul Of Military Retirement Eyed -- CBS News

(CBS News)

WASHINGTON - The military retirement system has long been considered untouchable - along with Social Security and Medicare. But in these days of soaring deficits, it seems everything is a potential target for budget cutters. A Pentagon-sponsored study says military pensions are no longer untouchable - they're unaffordable.

CBS News investigative correspondent Sharyl Attkisson reports high-level, closely-held meetings are taking place at the Pentagon regarding a radical proposal to overhaul retirement for the nation's 1.4 million service members - a bedrock guarantee of military service.

Read more ....

Update #1: Pentagon may scrap traditional military pensions as part of retirement overhaul -- New York Post
Update #2: Pentagon Considering Scrapping Traditional Pensions in its Proposed Retirement Program Overhaul -- FOX News

My Comment: This is raising eyebrows among many in the military right now. But .... for the moment .... the Pentagon is denying everything.

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