Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Decline Of Athens

Athens Mayor Tells Of Crime And Violence In Europe's Oldest City -- The Guardian

Giorgos Kaminis says image of Greek capital is 'deplorable' and a far cry from the orderly city that staged the Olympics in 2004

Not far from the faceless building that houses Athens city hall, a banner flaps in the wind. For those driving up Sofokleous street, it is difficult to miss. "No to drugs and prostitution", the hand-painted sheet proclaims. "No more tolerance".

Shopkeepers say the banner was erected before Giorgos Kaminis, the city's soft-spoken mayor, took up the post in January. But it is hard not to see that, since then, the vices have got worse: a little further up the road Somalian prostitutes proposition pedestrians at all hours; a little further down, past beggars who cry "I'm hungry", young men crouch in doorways doubled over with needles in hand.

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My Comment: I visited Athens almost 20 years ago .... and it is hard to see this great city going through the troubles that it is going through right now.

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