Monday, August 22, 2011

An Iran - Hamas Falling Out?

Photo: Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei (R) greets Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal in Tehran Feb. 1, 2009. (Xinhua/Reuters Photo)

Iran Cuts Hamas Funding For Failing To Show Support For Assad -- Haaretz/Reuters

Hamas has denied that it is in financial crisis but says it faces liquidity problems stemming from inconsistent revenues from tax collection in the Gaza Strip and foreign aid.

Iran has reduced or possibly halted its funding of Hamas after the Islamist movement, which rules the Gaza Strip, failed to show public support for Syrian President Bashar Assad, diplomats said on Sunday.

Hamas has denied that it is in financial crisis but says it faces liquidity problems stemming from inconsistent revenues from tax collection in the Gaza Strip and foreign aid.

Read more

Update #1: Iran punishes Hamas for not backing Assad -- Sydney Morning Herald
Update #2: Foreign funds for Hamas hit by Syria unrest-diplomats -- Reuters

My Comment: They will make up after the situation in Syria has resolved itself .... so they hope.

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