Monday, August 22, 2011

Iran's Nuclear Program Moves To An Underground Site

Iran Starts Transfer of Centrifuges to Fordo Nuclear Site -- Bloomberg

Iran started transferring centrifuges from its Natanz nuclear facility to the Fordo atomic plant, its second site for enriching uranium, state television cited Fereydoun Abbasi, the head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization, as saying.

“The site is being made ready and a series of centrifuges have already been transferred,” the website of Iran’s state television today quoted Abbasi as saying. “We aren’t rushing and we seek to observe technical standards.”

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More News On Iran Moving Its Nuclear Program To An Underground Site

Iran Begins Shifting Centrifuges to Second Site
-- Global Security Newswire
Iran transferring centrifuges to bunker -- UPI
Iran Moves Some Centrifuges Underground -- Time/AP
Iran moves centrifuges to underground site -- Ynet News
Iran transferring uranium centrifuges to Fordo site -- RIA Novosti
Iran starts moving uranium centrifuges to bunker -- The Telegraph
Iran Begins Moving Centrifuges to Underground Site -- Voice of America
Iran’s nuclear program goes underground -- RT News
'Iran transferring centrifuges to Fordo' -- Press TV

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