Monday, August 1, 2011

Libya's Civil War Of Attrition Grinds On

Libyan rebels fire an anti-aircraft gun at government forces Photo: Reuters

Libya Rebels Take Zlitan As RAF Clears Way After Two-Month Struggle -- The Guardian

Bombing campaign destroys Gaddafi tanks, rocket launchers, ammunition dumps and command centres.

Libyan rebels have entered the town of Zlitan after a weekend of heavy fighting in which Nato escalated its bombing campaign in the runup to the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

RAF planes dropped 16 Paveway laser-guided bombs in two days around the town, destroying government tanks, rocket launchers, ammunition dumps and command centres, and clearing a path for the rebels.

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My Comment
: While this is an important victory, it unfortunately reveals the rebels weakness in starting and sustaining a concentrated attack. It also reveals how effective NATO - rebel coordination can be in overcoming Gaddafi's forces, but with no support among NATO to expand its involvement in the Libyan civil war, this conflict is now following an attrition route in which the "last man standing" will be the victor.

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