Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Qaddafi Loyalists Counterattack in Tripoli

Jubilation turned to uncertain disquiet late Monday in Libya's capital, with persistent reports of random shootings in the capital, with some pockets of outright fighting. Jeff Grocott has the latest on The News Hub.

Qaddafi Loyalists Counterattack In Tripoli As Libyan Rebels Claim Capital -- Bloomberg

Libyan fighters loyal to Muammar Qaddafi battled rebel forces in parts of Tripoli today as both sides claimed control of most of the capital.

Rebels said they held eastern parts of Tripoli, including Tajoura, two days after mounting an assault on the city. Qaddafi’s forces are concentrated in the Hadba district and around Bab Azziya, where intense fighting erupted, Al Arabiya television reported. Fighting also continued outside the capital. The whereabouts of the leader are unknown.

Read more ....

Fighting Erupts in Tripoli -- Wall Street Journal

My Comment: While Gaddafi's military forces have been seriously degraded, many are still willing to fight for him. This conflict is far from over, and until the power vacuum in Tripoli is filled .... the violence will continue.

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