Friday, August 26, 2011

Special Forces Are On The Hunt For Gaddafi

Libya Conflict: British And French Soldiers Help Rebels Prepare Sirte Attack -- The Guardian

Soldiers on ground in eastern Libya have guided bombers to create path for opposition fighters towards Gaddafi's birthplace.

British and French special forces are on the ground in eastern Libya, calling in air strikes and helping rebel units as they prepare to assault Sirte, the last coastal town still in the hands of pro-Gaddafi forces, a rebel officer has told the Guardian.

The soldiers have taken a leading role not only in guiding bombers to blast a path for opposition fighters but also in planning the offensive that finally broke the six-month siege of Misrata, Mohammed Subka, a communications specialist in the Al Watum (My Home) brigade, said.

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More News On Special Forces In Libya

Special operations clear paths for rebel forces -- Irish Times
SAS troopers help co-ordinate rebel attacks in Libya -- The Guardian
Liam Fox coy on SAS role in Libya -- The Telegraph
Foreign forces in Libya helping rebel forces advance -- CNN
British special forces hunt Gadhafi -- Telegraph
How Libyan rebels have power of air attack at the touch of a button -- Scotsman
Special forces to hunt for Gadhafi -- Toronto Sun
Rebels send in special forces to hunt for Gadhafi -- MSNBC
Tripoli prays for peace as rebels hunt Gaddafi -- Reuters

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