Friday, August 26, 2011

What Is Wrong With Iraq?

Something Is Rotten in the State of Iraq -- Kenneth M. Pollack, National Interest

WHEN I think of Iraq, I think of fire. First there is the obvious. With summer, the country becomes an inferno. The heat muscles its way past doors and windows, scoffs at fans, overpowers air conditioners and beats everyone senseless.

Then there is the fire inside. Most Iraqis seem sleepy on first impression. They amble around sluggishly, leaden from the heat. But just mention politics, and suddenly they come to life. For Iraqis, politics is a blood sport played in a white-hot furnace. There are no half-held opinions. Every opponent is a lethal conspirator. Every conspiracy, a lethal threat. Every threat must be met with total force.

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My Comment: Iraq's history has always been one of tribal/religious/sectarian war and conflict. It has been like that since the dawn of civilization .... and I expect that this will continue as far as I can see in the future.

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