Wednesday, September 7, 2011

3 Silver Stars Awarded For Fierce Afghan Firefight

101st Airborne Commanding General Maj. Gen. John Campbell, right, makes remarks on Sgt. Rocky Bloom, left, and Staff Sgt. Sean Outman during a ceremony Tuesday at Fort Campbell after they received Silver Star Medals for their valor in Afghanistan.

3 Silver Stars Awarded For Fierce Firefight -- Army Times

Rocket-propelled grenades and small-arms fire slammed into the soldiers’ command post, immediately taking out some of their weapon systems.

The enemy had launched an L-shaped ambush, targeting soldiers from A Company, 1st Battalion, 327th Infantry Regiment.

Spc. Jesse Snow, without regard for his safety and despite his disabled weapon, low-crawled to the command post to aid the wounded. He dragged two comrades more than 30 feet to cover, at the same time spotting targets for a machine-gun team.

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Update: 3 Silver Stars awarded for fierce firefight in Afghanistan -- Stars and Stripes

My Comment: These Silver Star commendations are deserved for what looks like Medal of Honor actions to me.

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