Monday, September 5, 2011

The 9/11 Rescue Dogs

Searching for survivors: The dogs tirelessly worked to help find those who survived the horrific attacks

The 9/11 Rescue Dogs: Portraits Of The Last Surviving Animals Who Scoured Ground Zero One Decade On -- Daily Mail

During the chaos of the 9/11 attacks, where almost 3,000 people died, nearly 100 loyal search and rescue dogs and their brave owners scoured Ground Zero for survivors.

Now, ten years on, just 12 of these heroic canines survive, and they have been commemorated in a touching series titled 'Retrieved' for a book to sing their praises.

The dogs worked tirelessly to try and search for those trapped in the rubble, along with countless emergency service workers and members of the public.

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My Comment: Proving once again that dog's are man's best friend.

1 comment:

Kappes said...

9/11 was an inside Job wall to wall with Patsies galore...