Thursday, September 8, 2011

Afghanistan War News Updates -- September 8, 2011

An Afghan Army recruiting office in Kandahar is open for business, but few of the region's young men have been eager to join the military. Kuni Takahashi for The New York Times

New Way To Count Afghan Army Recruits Reveals Old Problem -- New York Times

KABUL, Afghanistan – Army recruiting in southern Afghanistan – the spiritual homeland of the Taliban — is tricky at best, deadly at worst.

In the all-volunteer army, southern Pashtun representation has hovered around 2 or 3 percent, sometimes dipping lower, under NATO and the Ministry of Defense’s former method of counting. But this summer, as modest improvements began to erode, the ministry, in consultation with the NATO Training Mission responsible for piecing together the army, suddenly changed the way it calculates southern Pashtun representation, going from a geographical approach to a tribal method. On paper, the results were surprising, showing a marked increase. But they were also arguably misleading.

Read more ....

More News On Afghanistan

Afghan Army Attracts Few Where Fear Reigns -- New York Times
Afghanistan struggles to enlist Pashtuns in Taliban heartland -- Bulletin/New York Times
Afghanistan's Shrinking Security Forces: A Gaping Hole in Obama's War Strategy -- Tony Karon, Time

FACTBOX - Security developments in Afghanistan, Sept 8 -- Alertnet
Combined Patrol Kills Insurgents, Seizes Weapons -- US Department of Defense
Officials: bombs kill 8 people around Afghanistan -- AP
Officials: 2 NATO troops, 5 Afghan soldiers killed -- Forbes/AP
NATO: Blast Kills 2 Service Members in S. Afghanistan -- Voice of America
4 Afghan army soldiers killed in roadside bomb attack in Khost province -- Voice of America
Senior police officer shot dead in E. Afghanistan -- Xinhuanet
7 insurgents killed, 32 detained in Afghanistan --

Panetta: Taliban weakened in Afghanistan -- UPI
In Afghanistan's Panjshir, disquiet over Taliban reconciliation -- Yahoo News/Reuters
Post Taliban, Jalalabad Struggles To Stay Peaceful -- NPR (Audio)

NATO Suspends Transfers to Some Afghan Jails Over Torture Fears -- Voice of America
Afghan government says NATO halt to detainee transfers is unjustified, damages relations -- Washington Post
Afghanistan rejects UN allegations of torture in jails -- BBC

Life in Kabul after 10 years of war -- Channel 4 News
Afghanistan journalist's sojourn in 'strange paradise' -- L.A. Times
Just another risky day in Afghanistan -- Sydney Morning Herald
Medal of Honor recipient saved 36 lives during Afghan battle -- Stars and Stripes

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