Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Another Example On How Britain Is Failing It's Injured Vets

Cramped: Alex Stringer with fiance Danielle and their two children Millie and Harlie-Rose in the wet room

Home Fit For A Hero? While £1m Homes Go To Asylum Seekers, A Soldier Who Lost Three Limbs Serving His Country Is Put In A Tiny Flat ... On The SIXTH Floor -- Daily Mail

* 20-year-old cannot even get into young daughter's bedroom

He lost three limbs in a bomb blast while serving in Afghanistan.

Now Private Alex Stringer is fighting another battle back home – against a housing allocation that has left him trapped in a tiny sixth floor flat.

As some families living solely on benefits are housed in multi-million-pound properties, the 20-year-old struggles in a flat so small he says he is unable to use his wheelchair indoors.

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My Comment
: This is unbelievable .... it is as if someone is doing this on purpose .... to humiliate and discourage war heroes like Private Alex Stringer.

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