Monday, September 5, 2011

Another Former Guantanamo Bay Detainee Killed By US Forces

Photo: Sabar Lal Melma

Gitmo Guy Is Killed In Afghan Raid -- New York Post

A former Guantanamo Bay detainee sent home to Afghanistan took up arms with al Qaeda -- and, like Osama bin Laden, he ended up shot dead by US soldiers, military officials announced.

Sabar Lal Melma was killed when he emerged with an AK-47 on Friday night as US soldiers scaled the walls of his home in Jalalabad, officials said.

Melma, 49, was a "key affiliate of the al Qaeda network" in contact with senior members of the terrorist network in Afghanistan and Pakistan, according to a NATO statement.

Read more ....

Update: Another Released Gitmo Detainee Returns To The Battlefield -- FOX News/Long War Journal

My Comment: Is it me .... or am I wrong with the impression that there is no longer a "take as prisoner" policy when it comes to senior Al Qaeda/Talban leaders and commanders?

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