Sunday, September 25, 2011

Arab Americans Do Not Want To Join The CIA

CIA Efforts To Recruit Arab Americans Hit Bumps -- L.A. Times

The agency yanks ads from a paper and withdraws staff from a festival in a pair of flaps that highlight its challenges in seeking diverse employees.

The CIA's long-standing effort to recruit Arab Americans is hitting some bumps.

The agency yanked advertisements for linguists off the website of the nation's largest and oldest Arab American newspaper on Sept. 8, reportedly because the paper had published a story about domestic spying on Muslims.

The CIA restored the ads to the newspaper, the Arab American News, based in Dearborn, Mich., last Wednesday after the paper ran an editorial questioning the CIA's commitment to freedom of the press. The agency said it regretted "any misunderstandings."

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My Comment: Let's face it .... the CIA's reputation is not a glowing one for some communities.

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