Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Are Americans Living In An Era Of Endless War -- A Commentary

A Decade After The 9/11 Attacks, Americans Live In An Era Of Endless War -- Greg Jaffe, Washington Post

This is the American era of endless war.

To grasp its sweep, it helps to visit Fort Campbell, Ky., where the Army will soon open a $31 million complex for wounded troops and those whose bodies are breaking down after a decade of deployments.

The Warrior Transition Battalion complex boasts the only four-story structure on the base, which at 105,000 acres is more than twice the size of Washington, D.C. The imposing brick-and-glass building towers over architecture from earlier wars.

“This unit will be around as long as the Army is around,” said Lt. Col. Bill Howard, the battalion commander.

Read more ....

My Comment: What is my take .... we may be in an "endless war", but with the exception of our tax dollars and those families who have love ones in the military/intelligence services .... this "endless war" is having zero if any impact on the majority of Americans.

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