Sunday, September 4, 2011

Britain's Compensation System For It's Injured Vets Is An Outrage

Brave: Ben will only get half the compensation he deserves

You Deserve £1m, But You’ll Only Get Half That, MoD Tells Most Seriously Wounded Paratrooper -- Daily Mail

The most seriously wounded soldier to survive injuries sustained in Afghanistan is to get only half the £1 million compensation he is entitled to because of a Government cap.

Lance-Bombardier Ben Parkinson lost both legs, fractured four vertebrae and suffered brain injuries when his patrol was hit by a landmine.

He was initially offered just £150,000 compensation for his injuries – while at the same time an RAF typist received £484,000 for a repetitive strain injury to her thumb. The Ministry of Defence then reviewed Ben’s case and admitted that his compensation should be £1,087,000.

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My Comment: After reading this story ..... blood pressure is going up.

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