Sunday, September 4, 2011

Christian-Muslim Clashes Return To Nigeria

Dozens Dead In Religious Clashes In Nigeria -- Al Jazeera

Violence between Christians and Muslims in Jos said to have left 42 people dead, with residents blaming security forces.

Religious clashes between Christians and Muslims in the troubled central Nigerian city of Jos have reportedly left at least 42 people since Monday.

Jamastu Nasril Islam, Nigeria's main Muslim body, said 22 members of its community had been killed, while the Stefanos Foundation, a local Christian group in Jos, reported on Friday the death of 20 people.

Residents accuse security forces of being responsible for most of the deaths.

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More News On Religious Strife in Nigeria

Jos clashes: Nigerian Christians and Muslims seek calm -- BBC
Nigeria: More Than 40 Killed In Religious Clashes -- NPR
Nigeria’s Muslim, Christian Clashes Leave at Least 42 Dead in City of Jos -- Bloomberg
At Least 21 Are Killed as Christian-Muslim Clashes Continue in Central Nigerian City -- New York Times/AP
Nigerian army threatens force after clashes -- AFP

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