Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Cost Of Operating Unmanned Aircraft Becoming ‘Unsustainable’

For U.S. Air Force, The Cost Of Operating Unmanned Aircraft Becoming ‘Unsustainable’ -- National Defense

NATIONAL HARBOR, Md. — The fastest-growing occupation in the U.S. Air Force — warzone surveillance — soon may be reaching its peak as the Defense Department looks for ways to cut costs.

The deployment of Air Force remotely piloted spy aircraft across Iraq and Afghanistan grew rapidly over the past eight years, at the same time that the Army also expanded its fleet of unmanned surveillance drones. In the face of budget cuts in the coming years, the Pentagon is suspecting that there might be too many ISR (intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance) programs across the Defense Department.

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My Comment: Warzone surveillance (and intelligence surveillance) has been one of the key ingredients for the U.S. military to project and implement American military power. Drone advancements have only made this advantage even greater .... and more effective. As a result .... cut backs in this advantage does not bring comfort to many in the field who have become dependent on this technology to locate and target the enemy .... and downright scary if it should be eliminated.

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