Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Did The CIA Break The Law When Helping The NYPD?

James R. Clapper, left, the director of national intelligence, and David H. Petraeus, the C.I.A. director, testifying in Washington. Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

C.I.A. Examining Legality Of Work With Police Dept. -- New York Times

WASHINGTON — The Central Intelligence Agency has opened an internal inquiry into whether its close cooperation with the New York Police Department in the decade since the Sept. 11 attacks has broken any laws prohibiting the agency from collecting intelligence in the United States.

During his first Congressional testimony as the C.I.A. director, David H. Petraeus said Tuesday that the agency’s inspector general had begun to investigate its work with the Police Department “to make sure we are doing the right thing.” Mr. Petraeus said the inquiry began last month, but gave few details about its scope.

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More News On Questions Being Raised On The CIA - NYPD Ties

CIA opens probe into work with New York police
-- AFP
CIA probing agency's ties with NYPD -- Politico
CIA investigates whether laws broken helping NYPD -- CBS/AP
CIA investigates whether laws broken helping NYPD -- USA Today
Joint NYPD, CIA Muslim Spying Program Investigated -- IBTimes
CIA Will Investigate Its Role in NYPD Intelligence Program -- New York Magazine
The CIA Is Investigating Its Muslim Spying Program -- Atlantic Wire

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