Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Concerns Being Voiced That Libya's Weapons May Fall Into The Wrong Hands

A Libyan rebel walks past crates of antitank weapons in a munitions storage hanger at a government military base in Ajdabiyah in March. Radio Free Europe

Intelligence Chairman Urges White House Action on Libyan Weapons -- Bloomberg

Lethal weapons “are already moving” out of arsenals once controlled by Libyan dictator Muammar Qaddafi and the U.S. must “do more” to find and destroy the weapons before terrorists get them, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee said.

Representative Mike Rogers, a Michigan Republican, said in an interview at the Bloomberg Washington bureau yesterday that he has approached the White House with concerns that al-Qaeda will acquire Libyan weapons, especially shoulder-fired anti- aircraft missiles.

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More News On Weapons And WMDs On The Loose In Libya

UN watchdog says Libyan chemical weapons secure -- AP
UN Watchdog: Libya's Chemical Weapons Secure -- Radio Free Europe
Senior GOP Lawmaker Urges Obama to Secure Libyan Chemical Arms -- Global Security Newswire
Mike Rogers: Send U.S. weapons teams to Libya -- Politico
Congressman warns of Libyan weapons -- UPI
Libya’s Weapons Problem -- Igor Kossov, The Daily Beast

My Comment: I do not have confidence in this UN assessment .... especially after reading stories like this one.

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