Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Hundreds Of Libya's Surface-To-Air Missiles Are Missing

EXCLUSIVE: Libyan Missiles Looted -- CNN

TRIPOLI, Libya (CNN) - A potent stash of Russian-made surface-to-air missiles is missing from a huge Tripoli weapons warehouse amid reports of weapons looting across war-torn Libya.

They are Grinch SA-24 shoulder-launched missiles, also known as Igla-S missiles, the equivalent of U.S.-made Stinger missiles.

A CNN team and Human Rights Watch found dozens of empty crates marked with packing lists and inventory numbers that identified the items as Igla-S surface-to-air missiles.

Read more

Update #1: Missing weapons from Libya arms caches raise fears -- Yahoo News/AP
Update #2: The deadly dilemma of Libya's missing weapons -- Christian Science Monitor

My Comment: The paragraph that caught my attention was the following ....

..... "We are talking about some 20,000 surface-to-air missiles in all of Libya, and I've seen cars packed with them." he said. "They could turn all of North Africa into a no-fly zone."

When will these weapons be used on a civilian passenger airliner? Hmmmm .... what is my guess .... very soon (i.e. within a year).

Update: I am not the only one who is worried about this development.

1 comment:

Philip said...

"They could turn all of North Africa into a no-fly zone."

The gentleman is much too limited in his imagination.

This is a primary reason, however unsavory it is to the public, for having troops on the ground, especially regarding Libya. But you'll never get the politicians to shoulder some of the blame when an airliner gets downed.