Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Hunt For Gaddafi Continues

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Carpet Salesman Leads Hunt For Gadhafi -- MSNBC

TRIPOLI, Libya – Three weeks after Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi was driven out of Tripoli, effectively ending his 42-year reign, his would-be successor addressed a cheering crowd of thousands in what used to be called Green Square, the now renamed Martyrs’ Square.

"We seek a state of law and prosperity," said Mustafa Abdul Jalil, the interim head of the anti-Gadhafi forces’ National Transitional Council. The interim government has been recognized by scores of other countries as Libya's new governing authority. With fireworks crackling in the early evening (not gunfire), Jalil warned his own forces against acts of retribution aimed at the remaining Gadhafi loyalists.

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My Comment: This will not be an easy job. Gaddafi bought a lot of loyalty over the years, and they will not be tempted to turn him in.

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