Monday, September 26, 2011

IMF Admits That It Is Short Of Cash. Cannot Save The Euro

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IMF Admits It Might Not Be Able To Save The Euro As It Emerges That Current Threat Is 'Worse Than Crisis In 2008' -- Daily Mail

The International Monetary Fund last night issued an extraordinary warning that it might not have enough cash to stem the crisis engulfing the Eurozone, prompting fears that Britain could be forced to find billions more to bail out debt-stricken economies.

Chancellor George Osborne has refused to put British funds on the line for a new EU rescue scheme but he would be unable to resist a call from the IMF to do more.

Read more ....

Update: Christine Lagarde: IMF may need billions in extra funding -- The Telegraph

My Comment: The next 4-6 weeks are going to be rough, but with no political will in Greece and other heavily indebted countries to confront and resolve their heavy debts .... default and euro collapse is in the offing.

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