Can The World Finally Find Consensus On Cluster Bombs? -- Diana Wueger, The Atlantic
Much of the world has banned the weapons for their dangers to civilians, but the U.S. is among a handful of states resisting their abolition.
Last week, representatives from 130 governments gathered in Beirut for the second meeting of parties to the Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM), a 2008 treaty signed by 90 countries in an attempt to abolish cluster munitions. After years of failed attempts to roll back these weapons, the CCM attempts a new approach to limiting cluster munitions, bombs that open mid-flight to release smaller bombs (known as submunitions) over a wide area.
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My Comment: An international convention to ban cluster bombs it is not going to happen. Cluster bombs are effective weapon systems .... and because they are .... they are probably going to be around for a long time.
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