Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Iran Will Open It's Nuclear Program To Outside Inspectors, But Uranium Enrichment Will Still Proceed

Iranian workers stand in front of the Bushehr nuclear power plant south of Tehran last October. (Reuters)

Iran Offers New Nuclear Deal -- L.A. Times

Iran says it will open its nuclear program to five years of 'full supervision' by the U.N. atomic energy agency if the world body lifts its sanctions. But the country's nuclear chief makes clear that its uranium enrichment programs are going ahead.

Reporting from Tehran — Iran offered on Monday to open its nuclear program to five years of "full supervision" by the U.N. atomic energy agency if the world body lifts its sanctions, but made clear that it would forge ahead with its programs for uranium enrichment regardless.

The offer from Fereydoun Abbasi, the head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization, came amid a new increase in warnings internationally over the Islamic Republic's nuclear program. That was led by a report Friday in which the U.N. International Atomic Energy Agency said it was "increasingly concerned" that Tehran may be developing its uranium-enrichment program to produce nuclear payloads for missiles.

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More News On Iran Offering A 'New' Nuclear Deal

Iran offers 'full supervision' of nuclear program -- AP
Easing Stance, Iran Offers Inspectors ‘Supervision’ of Nuclear Program -- New York Times
Iran's nuclear chief revises remarks on full cooperation with IAEA -- M&C
Iran Says Nuclear Cooperation Would Have Limits -- Voice of America
Iran's nuclear advance may add to Western worries -- Reuters
Bushehr to enter 'pre-launch phase' Sept. 12 - Iran -- RIA Novosti
Iran's nuclear dream comes true -- Kaveh L Afrasiabi, Asia Times
Iran offers new set of phony promises on nuclear program -- Kelly McParland, National Post

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