Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Laser Beam Detects Roadside Bombs

Photo: Michigan State University professor Marcos Dantus works with an associate in his laboratory in the Chemistry building. Kurt Stepnitz

Laser Detects Roadside Bombs -- MSNBC

Lab scientists are pitching a new high-tech laser that is able to detect roadside bombs before they explode, potentially thwarting the deadliest weapon in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Roadside bombs, known as improvised explosive devices or IEDs, account for 60 percent of coalition soldiers' deaths, according to NATO figures. Finding a way to improve on — or at least replace — bomb sniffing dogs is therefore a priority abroad and at home.

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More News On New Lasers Being Able To Detect Roadside Bombs

Laser beam 'kicks' molecules to detect roadside bombs -- BBC
New Laser Beam Detects Roadside Bombs -- IBTimes
Laser Can Detect Roadside Bombs From a Distance -- Gizmodo
A 'laser-pointer' for detecting roadside bombs -- ZDNet
Researchers Develop Laser to Help Detect Roadside Bombs -- Daily Tech
Researchers Say Laser Could Detect Roadside Bombs -- PC Mag
New laser tech could detect roadside bombs -- Gizmag