Friday, September 2, 2011

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- September 2, 2011


F-35: Contemplating The Death Spiral -- DoD Buzz

All that stuff from Wednesday about the Air Force’s total commitment to the F-35A? That still stands. But a set of new updates indicates the foundations beneath the airmen and their jets may be already starting to crumble.

Item one: Air Force Secretary Michael Donley, on a visit to Australia’s capital, Canberra, acknowledged to reporters that DoD may have to cut or delay its planned buy of F-35s, even as the Air Force keeps its full and complete fidelity to the jet.

Read more ....


“All-In” on F-35 (updated) -- Defense Tech

China’s new military ‘transparency’ -- DoD Buzz

French spy-tech firm confirms 2007 deal with Kadhafi -- Space War

In Libya, Mission Now to Rebuild Military -- National Journal

Bulava missiles to be put into service in 2012 – official -- Voice of Russia

Russia to extend lease of Tajikistan military base -- RIA Novosti

India and Russia Building Robo-Space Planes
-- Defense Tech

Russia begins trials of stealth frigate for Indian Navy -- Economic Times

The Russian Armed UAV -- Strategy Page

Pakistan wants detailed ROE for US forces - -DoD Buzz

Iraqis Want Mercs, Not U.S. Troops, To Stick Around -- Danger Room

U.S., Iraq talking but no F-16 deal yet -- Reuters

Test of new U.S. interceptor missile results in failure -- RIA Novosti

Army Mods Sniper Competition Rules --

Lockheed Senate Advocate Asks Panetta to Stop Buying Boeing F-18 -- Bloomberg

AeroVironment Introduces Shrike VTOL Unmanned Aircraft System
-- Space Daily

Boeing Wins $1.1B in WGS Work -- Defense News

Wartime Fraud About Equal to National Average
-- Ares/Aviation Week

The 10 Worst Military Contracting Boondoggles -- Mother Jones

Laser–Machine Gun Mashup Tested on ‘Pirate Ships’ -- Danger Room

The Laws Of War And Cyber Warriors
-- Strategy Page

Military Medicine's Long War Against Malaria -- NPR

Military Doctors Using Hard-Won Lessons --

Why the F-35 is important -- Blackfive

Former platoon sergeant says marijuana was 'the only thing' that controlled his PTSD
-- Stars and Stripes

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