Tuesday, September 13, 2011

New York City`s 9/11 Memorial Opens To The Public And Is A Big Hit

Vast: People visit the South Pool at today's public opening for the National September 11 Memorial. The waterfalls cascading down the four walls of each fountain are the largest such fountains in North America

'It Was A Huge Relief To See That It's Actually Beautiful': 9/11 Memorial Opens To First Members Of The Public -- Daily Mail

* Airport-style security and long queues greet visitors to $700m plaza
* Donald Rumsfeld cancels NY Times subscription after 'repugnant' 9/11 piece

The plot of land known for a decade as Ground Zero today opened to the public for the first time since that terrible morning in 2001, transformed into a memorial consisting of two serene reflecting pools ringed by the chiselled-in-bronze names of the nearly 3,000 souls lost.

The 9/11 memorial plaza opened its gates at 10am under tight, airport-style security.

Visitors were allowed to walk among hundreds of white oak trees on the eight-acre site and gaze at the water on the exact spots where the World Trade Center's twin towers stood.

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My Comment: When I am in New York City at the end of this year .... I would not be surprised if I make a visit.

1 comment:

Kappes said...

9/11 was an inside Job wall to wall with so many patsies...It's the biggest lies of the century and many war criminals are still walking Scott free in USA and Israhell, who masterminded 9/11. Time for war crimes tribunals to deal with the infamous White House Murder INC,....