Monday, September 5, 2011

Should Terror Suspects Be In Law Enforcement Or Military Custody?

Photo from Reuters

New Bill Mandates Military Custody for All Terror Suspects -- The Atlantic

John McCain quietly inserted a provision in a Senate bill that would take away responsibility from law enforcement agencies like the FBI

A little-noticed provision of the National Defense Authorization Act would put all terror suspects into immediate military custody, a controversial change that would have significant legal repercussions for the ongoing war on terror.

The measure was tucked into the Senate's version of the omnibus Pentagon spending measure shortly before Congress adjourned for its summer recess. Similar language had been in the House version of the bill, but it was stripped out after intensive back-channel lobbying by senior White House and Pentagon officials. The measure's future will be decided when lawmakers from the two chambers meet in conference later this month to reconcile the two versions of the massive bill.

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My Comment:
One more reason why the White House has a disdain for Sen. McCain. The WH prefers civilian authorities over military ones on this issue .... but this debate is coming back .... and in an election year at that.

What is my take .... I tend to lean for a case by case analysis and decision .... and only for crimes on U.S. soil. For actions overseas .... terror suspects should be in military custody.

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